Company Disclosures

Key Information Relating to the Cash Dividend for Second Quarter 2024 to be Paid by Odfjell Drilling Ltd.

Published 21.08.2024

The Board of Odfjell Drilling Ltd. (OSE: ODL) has elected to pay a cash dividend
of 0.06USD / share or USD 14.4 million in total.

Key details of Q2 dividend:
o Announced currency: USD
o Dividend amount: 0.06 USD / share
o Last day including right: 29 August 2024
o Ex-Dividend Date: 30 August 2024
o Record Date: 2 September 2024
o Payment Date: 19 September 2024
o Date of approval: 20 August 2024

The dividend has been declared in USD with actual NOK payments per share to be
determined based on the Norges Bank exchange rate at the last day including

For further queries, please contact:
James Crothers, Investor Relations Officer
+44 (0) 7495 067 684
London, United Kingdom
21 August 2024
Odfjell Drilling Ltd

This information is published in accordance with the requirements of the Oslo
Børs Rule Book II section 4.2.4 (1) no. 3 and is subject to the disclosure
requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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